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January 27, 2013

cina cea de taina - ca. 1175

Christ: Last Supper -- Christ, decorated crossed nimbus, stands (?), raising wafer in His right hand and chalice in His left hand. In front of the Christ, Evangelist John, nimbed, rests his head on his left hand. Ten flanking apostles, seven nimbed, sit at draped table laden with vessels, vase, and food; one holds knife. In foreground, Judas, nimbed, holding vessel, kneels before the table.
Scene beneath architectural frame, against gold background, within decorated frame, and heads of four women in square corners.

January 20, 2013

apocalypse now ride of the valkyries

Atacul lui Robert Duvall din Apocalypse now.
infinita frumusete a mortii, cutremuratoarea taina a unui dumnezeu dement, omul, care e in stare sa dea foc intregii creatii doar pentru a nu muri singur.

January 15, 2013

15 ianuarie

o sa ajung si anul asta la Bellu la Eminescu. imi place sa ma duc pe acolo. chiar ca ar fi tare sa facem o intalnire, sa bem o tuica si sa fumam o tigare. si sa punctam vesnicia cu niste glume proaste. poate ne vedem.

January 3, 2013

alegeri democratice

un slogan electoral de stanga din Cehia si Slovacia anilor '46

" Votati cu comunistii, sau macar cu social-democratii"

(citind Kotkin)